Investors Needed To Start A High End Online Game Center In Bandung-Indonesia
Dear Investors,
As a Dream Seekers, We need help from Individual or "Angel Investors" to realize our dream of building our own Online Game Center Store, here in my city, Bandung Indonesia.
The prospects are very good, the competitor still lags behind in innovation and services that they can offer! that's why we need to act fast! decided to ask help from any would be investors out there. From inside Bandung, Indonesia or Foreigner
Me and my team can promise for the first year of business a modest 5% return, but depending on the growth of the business, we can offer between 5%-8% of yearly return.
The most important thing is we can grow our business organically and provide a good and positive and creative environment for Online Game Lovers in the city and surrounding regencies.
For a start we need aprox: $40.000 to start Two High End Online Game Center. Why two? because we felt with two Game Center our financial condition and revenue will be solid thus giving assurance to investors.
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