Gonzalo Martinez Monche Profile

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Profile Information

Ototech is the first hearing center in Spain specialized in the treatment of tinnitus, hearing loss, and other inner ear pathologies. Our innovative therapy based on Cochlear Electro Stimulation allows for hearing regeneration, restoring the cells of the ear to their original function, and getting them to work properly again. The result of the application of the therapy is the significant improvement or cure of the symptoms of hearing problems. At Ototech we innovate and research every day to improve the quality of life of our patients.


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ExperienceDr. Martinez-Monche, Ototech's founder, holds a degree in medicine and is a specialist in otolaryngology from the University of Padua, Italy. His professional career is marked by innovation and the application of the most revolutionary techniques in the treatment of hearing problems such as hearing loss and tinnitus.