We strive to provide the Best World Class Security Innovations and Solutions...
We are a Software Development Firm Located in Chennai, India for the past 12 years. Our products are mostly Security based in Nature. We have been catering a variety of fields ranging from State Government Projects and even Security software's for Casino's. We are working currently on the release of a software called 'Makaseh'.
Makaseh is an Encryption Software optimizing P2P technology meant for data transactions all over the internet using unique algorithms. It can range from Simple e-Mails being encrypted, to Large Data like Video Presentations etc or even Banking transactions. The USP we have is that the User will be in complete control of the data.
Currently though we are in need of funding to help Market and Promote our product and perhaps a Creative Finance/ Partnership , Unsecured Loan, Equity funding depending on what's mutually beneficial for all involved. Interested parties please do contact us.
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