Folks looking to come out for Wednesday trivia should note that Quiztress Debbers is now plying her trade at the...
12 years ago
So our website was hacked today. Just another in a long line of mysterious acts of sabotage on us in the last...
12 years ago
Radio silence for a while. Thanks for understanding.
12 years ago
It is with regret that we have to announce, due to a partnership dispute, that Fray has closed its doors.
12 years ago
Hey Fraserites, are you on the hunt for some part time work? Do you have server experience? We're short-staffed...
12 years ago
Hey all, it's with great regret that we have to close the doors of Fray tonight due to a hot water problem. We...
12 years ago
Music bingo toniiiight, 8:30pm!
12 years ago
Music Bingo returns Saturday - slightly shorter and with more twists!
Also, we're considering adding a new...
12 years ago
Another awesomely packed night at Fray trivia! Woo Hoo! Happy Birthday Angie, hope you're lovin' it :)
12 years ago
Hey folks, our apologies if you came in for brunch Sunday and we didn't have what you wanted available - we've...
12 years ago
Team 'Cards Against Humanity' happens again tonight at 8:30pm. We provide the cards, you provide the humour.
12 years ago
Dear Fraserians, last year in January and February, just a few months after our launch, we were largely empty,...
12 years ago
Amazing weekend, Fraserians. Our biggest weekend yet for number of people seated, excluding Dine Out. We started...
12 years ago
Well, I guess we'll be doing Music Bingo again! Sales record!
Sorry it ran a bit long - have to tweak the...
12 years ago
Music bingo tonight, motorscooters!
12 years ago
Saturday? Music Bingo. 8:30pm.
12 years ago
Movie trivia starts in one hour! Tonight including Name The Movie, Build-a-Title, and Turbo-Quote! Forget the $50...
12 years ago
You voted for it, Fraserians. Movie trivia, Saturday night at 8:30pm.
12 years ago
Don't know if you got a card or not. Don't care if someone sent you flowers. Just know that we love you. For reals.
You complete us.
12 years ago
Tonight's Lucky Key Trivia was completely, pure ridic fun. Packed out house, fantastic energy, great people and...
12 years ago
Trivia tonight is 100% standing room only. If you don't have a table yet, you're going to have to squeeze in at...
12 years ago
Are there any board games you wish we had? Noticing Munchkin and Apples to Apples getting heavy use of late. #WhatsNext?
12 years ago
Fray on Valentines Day - If she doesn't love you after Portobello Fries, she never will!
12 years ago
Christ on a bike - Cards Against Humanity last night was awesome. Big congrats to The Spandex's for taking home...
12 years ago
Cards Against ______
Your options are:
1) Polio
2) Vegans
3) Humanity
* Answer: 3. Tonight. At 8:30pm. Be there.
12 years ago
Doing anything this Saturday night? No? Well YOU ARE NOW.
Cards Against Humanity time, people.
Humour and...
12 years ago
Big shout out to MEN...OF...GLEN! for winning last night's top score prize and an opportunity to submit a question...
12 years ago
What's that? You haven't booked your table at Fray for Valentines yet? Geez, boy. Get on that.
12 years ago
Oh, Dine Out. How you enjoy breaking the spirit of the strong. Pretty sure I just saw chef Kelly hiding in the...
12 years ago
Hey Trivsters! Ever wonder what an "albumen" is? Come to trivia tonight @ 8:45 and you'll find out!
12 years ago
12 years ago
Triviards! Catch you on the flip side tonight, where you will be making use of this free answer..."Gauchos". Until then you crazy gaffers :)
12 years ago
No plans tonight? Then why don't you TROT on down to Fray for some Lucky Key Trivia with your local Quizmistress...
12 years ago
Hey Fraserians!
With a new year kicking into full swing and Dine Out Vancouver about to begin, we figured it...
12 years ago
90's Hip Hop Music Trivia was big, Saturday night. We're doing Cards Against Humanity next week - might be a...
12 years ago
What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? Well, according to Douglas Adams it's "42", but for...
12 years ago
Fray on Fraser team Apples to Apples begins at 8:30pm!1
12 years ago
Saturday night's Fray fun time is TEAM APPLES TO APPLES.
Yes, gather your pals, coem eat and drink and then show...
12 years ago
Have you tried Fray on Fraser's new brunch menu?
That's right - chicken and waffles has arrived.
12 years ago
That's how we do it, yo. :) RT @MaxsBurgersVan: @FrayOnFraser Had the Triple Threat last night DAMN, SON. That is all. #supportsmallbusiness
12 years ago
The Triple Threat is selling so well, it might be time for a Quadruple Threat.
12 years ago
:) RT @BCfreshVeggies: @FrayOnFraser Thanks for the great dinner last night! Your winning Triple Threat was fantastic, kids loved everything
12 years ago
Our favourite Steveston spot too. CharCUTErie. RT @iheartgudrun: Thanks Leslee & Lindsay @365richmond
12 years ago
This is the best ever. RT @blauelibelle: Waiting for brunch @FrayOnFraser
12 years ago
Hi-dee-ho neighbours! Fantastic night at Fray Trivia last night...air guitar battle, lots of shots, and tons of...
12 years ago
Big props to Bucket Tooth for taking Cards Against Humanity last night, and to Batman Craig for whomping the pack...
12 years ago
TONIGHT! We're starting off with CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY at 8:30pm, with the full intention, should numbers be...
12 years ago
Three words: Chicken and waffles.
12 years ago
After a tie-breaking dance off, Gastown Steam**** won the overall score prize AND scored the $50 GC! Congrats!...
12 years ago
Have a look-see at this here's fun and it's a solid hint re: one of our questions for tonight's Triv....
12 years ago
Profile Information
We started a fully licensed restaurant/lounge with a 'living room' concept late last year. Family friendly setting serving fresh made, locally sourced food with board games and trivia quizzes, weekend brunches and special events. Currently 80 seats with room for another 60 on a currently unused second floor and 12 more on a summer patio. Pioneering it on a street that sits between two mega-popular mega-expensive strips, no competition in the immediate area with new housing developments popping up all over.
Currently drawing 700k in sales and breaking even nine months in, but need a short burst of financing to give us capital room to consolidate some debts and make expansions (patio, for example) which would increase seating, allow for local marketing push and get us to the next level in profitability.
Significant online buzz, strong social media brand, concept very portable and, we think, franchiseable once the business model has demonstrated customer demand.